RedBrick FAQs


How do I register for RedBrick?

Registration is simple! Go to tew.redbrickhealth.com/portal/registration and enter your first name, last name, date of birth, and employee ID number. Please note that your employee ID number MUST be 8 digits; so you will need to include leading zeros before your number. From there, you will create your own username and password and that is how you will log into RedBrick from thereon out.

What if I forgot my username or password?

Go to https://tew.redbrickhealth.com and click on “Forgot my username” and “Forgot my password”.  You will need to enter in the email address that you used to create your account. It could be your personal or work email. It is okay to try both. You should be sent an email with more information within a few minutes. If you do not receive an email, call RedBrick Customer Service at 877-278-5241 and they can help you quickly over the phone.

Do I need a computer to access RedBrick?

Nope! There is a mobile website and apps available for both iOS and Androids. To download the app, just go to your app store and search “RedBrick Health” and then enter in “City of Tacoma” as your sponsor.

What browser should I use if I use my computer to access RedBrick?

Google Chrome is the preferred browser. As a bonus, you can save your username and password for easy and quick log in.

How do I update my contact information (address, phone number, email address)?

Click the arrow next to your name in the upper right corner of the RedBrick site and select “Profile”.

Wellness Incentive/Rewards

What is the incentive?

If you earn 1,000 points during the incentive period, you will qualify for a discounted monthly health insurance premium contribution. The amount of the discount is determined based on the City medical plan that you are enrolled in.

When can I earn points for my incentive?

Our wellness program incentive period runs from October 1st through September 30th of the next year. All activities must be completed during that one year timeframe. Our program year does NOT run on a calendar year. However, the wellness incentive is a calendar year benefit.

How do I earn points for my incentive?

The General Population and Local 26 members earn their incentive by meeting these incentive requirements.

Local 6 employees (Police) earn their incentive by meeting these incentive requirements.

How do I know if I earned my incentive?

You can check your progress towards the incentive by visiting the Rewards Page. If you have earned the incentive, the entire rewards wheel will be GREEN not BLUE. The text will say EARNED instead of REMAINING.

What if I am a new employee?

If you are hired before July 1st, you will automatically get the incentive for the current year. But, you will be expected to meet the incentive requirements by September 30th in order to continue the incentive for the next year.

If you are hired on July 1st or after, you will automatically get the incentive for the current year and the next year. That is because the incentive period ends on September 30th and the Wellness Committee agreed that it is not a sufficient amount of time to expect you to meet the incentive requirements. With that said, you should still start participating as soon as you are able to log in.

RedBrick Activities

What is the Compass Health Assessment?

This is a required activity. It is a short health assessment (15-20 minutes) that will ask you questions about your health and health habits. If you need to exit in the middle, your answers will be saved and you can continue later. When you are finished you will receive a short report that shows your strengths, areas to watch, and risks. It will also give you recommendations for activities that you might want to complete within the health portal. Your answers are kept private and are never shared with the City of Tacoma.

How do I retake the Compass Health Assessment?

Click on “Start Health Assessment”, which is located in the top left tile on the homepage. You can retake the Compass Health Assessment as many times as you want.

What is Track?

Track is a healthy habits tracker that allows you to track your exercise, healthy eating habits, and well-being habits.

Watch the Track and Sync video.

How do I use Track?

To Track your healthy habits manually, you will click anywhere you see “Track It”. Here are the steps to manually enter in activity:

  1. Choose your activity.
  2. Choose the date(s) you completed the activity. You can backtrack 30 days.
  3. Record how much.

To Track your healthy habits even simpler, you can sync certain devices and apps to RedBrick.

Watch the Track and Sync video.

How do I sync a device?

Click on the arrow by your name in the upper right corner of the homepage and select “Connect Device”. You can also find links to connect a device within the tiles of the homepage and when you click on “Track It”.

What devices and apps sync with RedBrick?

Here is the current list of devices and apps that currently sync with RedBrick:  Fitbit, Garmin, Google Fit, MapMyFitness, Misfit, Nokia Health, and Runkeeper.

Apple Health also syncs with RedBrick, but you must sync it with the RedBrick Health app. To do so, download and open the RedBrick Health app. You will automatically be prompted to use your health data from the Apple Health app and you will want to select to track “Steps” and “Walking-Running”.

 Here are the directions to sync Apple Health.

Watch the Track and Sync video.

How do I earn points towards my incentive with Track?

You can earn points daily through Track. To do so, you will need to reach at least 300 on your daily wellness meter for the day. You can reach 300 by doing just one activity (i.e., 30 minutes of physical activity or 3,000 steps) or through a combination of a few activities. Learn more here.

Watch the Track and Sync video.

What is a Journey?

A Journey takes a big goal like eating healthier and breaks it down into tiny achievable steps.  Each Journey starts with a few questions to personalize the experience for you. 

A Journey is made up of several stages and each stage has a variety of steps for you to choose from.  When you have completed enough steps (usually 3-6) in one stage you will be offered a Challenge Step.  When you complete a Challenge Step you may proceed to the next stage in your Journey.  Journeys have anywhere between 2 to 7 stages.

Helpful Documents: Journey Topics and Descriptions and Understanding Journeys.

Here is a short tutorial on Journeys.

How long does it take to complete a Journey?

Journeys are focused on behavior change, which takes time and intentional practice. Each journey can take anywhere between 2 and 6 weeks to complete. Allow the process to happen as intended, and give yourself at least 4 weeks to complete one Journey.  Remember, your Journey is complete once you have completed the Challenge Step within each stage of the Journey. 

Here is a short tutorial on Journeys.

What are the City of Tacoma Healthy Activities?

There are three activities available:

  1. Getting your annual physical (annual physical verification form) = 200 points
  2. Completing a certified weight management program (weight management verification form) = 200 points (up to 400 per program year)
  3. Attending a City-sponsored wellness class or webinar (recorded webinar verification form) = 25 points (up to 100 per program year)


In order to earn points you must submit a verification form for the activity to your Wellness Coordinator at [email protected]. The links to these forms are provided above.

Tacoma Employee Wellness (TEW) Program FAQs

Employee Wellness Centers (EWCs)

What are the EWCs?

Two EWCs were built at two of the largest City of Tacoma worksites:  Tacoma Municipal Complex (Muni Complex) and Tacoma Public Utilities (TPU).  Our research supports that these facilities are a cost-effective and progressive addition to our Tacoma Employee Wellness Program. The EWCs also help to enhance the City’s sustainability, equity and recruitment/retention efforts.

What type of equipment is available in the EWCs?

Both EWcs have cardio machines, weights, exercise bands, bosu balance balls, and online subscriptions to BeachBody and Daily Burn.  Learn more about the EWCs at the Muni Complex and TPU.

Is there a cost to use the EWCs?

Yes. There is a $5 per month fee. This money is in turn used to pay for the maintenance of equipment and to purchase new equipment.

How do I register for the EWC?

Please read the Rules and Guidelines and return the Release of Liability Form to your Wellness Coordinator at [email protected].  

How do I cancel my membership to the EWCs?

You will need to email your Wellness Coordinator at [email protected] and let her know the effective date that you want your membership canceled. She will take care of everything else behind the scenes for you.

Are there any onsite exercise classes available?

We have offered onsite Yoga at both EWCs. We are currently working on getting that back up and running. Additionally, we are looking into other classes, including self-defense.

Health Fairs

Does the TEW Program offer Health Fairs?

Yes! These are offered annually and typically in October. At these events you can obtain a free flu shot and learn about the various health and wellness resources that are available locally for you.

The current locations of the Health Fairs are the Tacoma Municipal Building, Tacoma Public Utilities, and the Tacoma Police Department.

How do I recommend a vendor for these events?

Please reach out to your wellness coordinator at [email protected] with details regarding that particular vendor and their contact information.

Wellness Champions

What is a Wellness Champion?

A Wellness Champion is a volunteer from a specific City of Tacoma department who has a passion for health and well-being. Some of the primary roles are as follows:

  • Serve as a liaison between the Tacoma Employee Wellness (TEW) Program and their work department/location.
  • Serve as a role model and motivator to create excitement around leading a healthy lifestyle.
  • Assist with and provide feedback for TEW Program activities and events.
  • Recommend improvements and solutions.
Who are the Wellness Champions?
  • Andy Bartels, Library Assistant, Kobetich Library
  • Beverly Pinkerton, Training Analyst, Customer Services Training/Performance Solutions
  • Chris Hartman, Management Analyst II, Environmental Services
  • Christina Chelf, IT Senior Analyst
  • Kristin Ely, Program Development Specialist, Neighborhood and Community Services
  • Michelle Davidson, Financial Assistant, Tacoma Water
  • Michele Nelson, Utility Services Rep II, T & D Services Engineering
  • Michelle Petrich, Court Administrator, Tacoma Municipal Court
  • Richelle Krienke, Senior Buyer, Finance, Procurement & Payables
  • Troy Wells, Custodian, TPU Building Maintenance

Learn more about becoming a Wellness Champion. We are always looking for more volunteers!

Wellness Committee

What is the Wellness Committee?

It is a committee comprised of members from the City of Tacoma’s management team and the Joint Labor Committee.  It was formed as a collaborative effort to promote better health and well-being amongst City employees.  This committee meets on a monthly basis to make wellness program decisions and enhancements.  

Who is on the Wellness Committee?
  • Alice Phillips, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 483
  • Kari Louie, Senior Compensation and Benefits Manager
  • Roberta Burnett, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 483
  • Jim Sant, Utilities Deputy Director, TPU Management Services
  • Matt Frank, FireFighters Union Local 31
  • Terra Ament, Teamsters Local 313
  • Shannon Carmody, Senior HR Analyst, Wellness Coordinator