We are excited to kick off the New Year with a friendly competition. The New Year, New You Challenge is a is a six-week team-based challenge designed to provide the motivation and support you need to help make your healthy New Year’s resolutions a reality.
Registration: Jan. 8 – 26, 2018
Team(s): Employees create their own teams. Teams can have anywhere between 1-10 members.
Challenge Duration: Jan. 15 – Feb. 25, 2018
Rules: You can earn points on a daily basis (up to a maximum of 1,500 per day) as you aim to move more and eat better.
Weekly Prizes: All employees who earn at least 300 points per day will be entered into the weekly drawings. Winners will receive a gym bag, cooler and sports bottle. The drawing dates are as follows:
Jan. 16 (registration drawing)
Jan. 23
Jan. 30
Feb. 6
Feb. 13
Feb. 20
Feb. 27 (grand prize drawing)
Grand Prize: The winning team members will each be awarded a Fitbit Charge 2, which is a heart rate and fitness wristband that tracks activity, exercise and sleep. For this prize, team activity points are averaged, so that all teams have an equal chance of winning.