What is the new Tacoma Employee Wellness Program all about?
The Tacoma Employee Wellness Program – Growing With Better Health – encourages you to take a broader approach to wellness with RedBrick Health, an independent online wellness platform that is uniquely simple, social, fun and customizable, and offers web, mobile and live interaction.
How does this new RedBrick Health online wellness platform work?
It targets your needs as you work to achieve and maintain healthy behaviors. All you have to do to get started is set aside 15 – 30 minutes to take an easy-to-complete online health assessment by Jan. 31, 2015. The information that you submit in your online health assessment will not be visible to anyone at the City of Tacoma.
What happens next?
After you take your online health assessment, you will receive a report that provides suggestions on small, easy steps you can make toward better health through a “journey” or action plan.
Why should I participate?
Besides the numerous benefits associated with living a more healthful lifestyle, choosing to participate in the Tacoma Employee Wellness Program gives you a $20 per month credit toward your monthly premium contribution for medical insurance in 2015.
What led to the development of the new Tacoma Employee Wellness Program?
In response to a commitment made in 2013 during negotiations with the Joint Labor Committee, members from the City of Tacoma’s management and the Joint Labor Committee formed a Wellness Committee, tasked with developing a Tacoma Employee Wellness Program for the City of Tacoma. The primary goals of the Wellness Committee are: (1) to positively impact the health of City employees and (2) to provide high-quality health insurance plans that are cost effective.