Tacoma Employee Wellness Survey

NOW AVAILABLE! We encourage you to participate in this survey, whether or not you participated in the RedBrick Health program. Your feedback is imperative as we grow and improve our wellness program. We look forward to hearing what type of activities, classes,...

Archived HealthVine Newsletters

HealthVine is the newsletter dedicated to the Tacoma Employee Wellness Program, which launched January 1, 2015.  Visit the “HealthVine Newsletters” page for a list of all the newsletters published in 2015.

Understanding RedBrick Health Journeys

Do you want to save $240 or more in 2016 by earning the Wellness Incentive?   Are you unsure as to whether or not you’ve completed a Journey?   Does it feel like your Journey is dragging on forever?   Are you getting too many reminders from RedBrick? Please watch this...

Archived HealthVine Newsletters

HealthVine is the newsletter dedicated to the Tacoma Employee Wellness Program, which launched January 1, 2015.  Visit the “HealthVine Newsletters” page for a list of all the newsletters published in 2015.