The 2021 Wellness Incentive period will not be extended this year; but for a good reason. RedBrick Health has joined forces with Virgin Pulse to create an exciting new wellbeing experience for the City of Tacoma. You’ll have all the tools you need to get active, eat healthy and live better every day, including new challenges, helpful tips and engaging social options. As an added bonus, it comes at a lesser cost to the City.

With that said, we understand what a trying year this has been for most and we hope that you have taken advantage of the plethora of resources available through our wellness program to help minimize your stress/anxiety and maximize your health and wellbeing during these unprecedented times. Your RedBrick account will close on Sept. 30, so please make sure that you log into your account to finish up any activities before it’s too late! Here are some resources that can help you earn your 1,000 points by Sept. 30, 2020:

To sum, your health and wellbeing are a top priority for us. We are confident that the new Virgin Pulse experience will be a welcomed change to our evolving wellness program and look forward to sharing more information with you soon.

Questions? For general questions, contact your Wellness Coordinator at [email protected] or 253-591-5200. To verify if you’ve earned your incentive, please reach out to RedBrick Customer Service via CHAT ( or by calling 877-278-5241.