Growing with better health
The City of Tacoma is pleased to offer their employees a simple, social and fun wellness program that promotes a healthier lifestyle and rewards participants with lower monthly healthcare plan contributions. This program – developed by a Wellness Committee comprised of members from the City of Tacoma’s management and the Joint Labor Committee – is designed to provide the education, motivation and tools necessary to help employees improve their health and well being. Participation in this voluntary program could save each employee hundreds of dollars on an annual basis. Even better, employees will likely receive the benefits of longer, healthier and happier lives.
Latest News
Time is running out: 2021 Wellness Incentive Period ends Sept. 30
As a friendly reminder, the 2021 Wellness Incentive period will not be extended this year. RedBrick Health has joined forces with Virgin Pulse to offer a new wellbeing experience for us. Our new program will launch on Oct. 1, 2020 and it was uniquely designed to fit...
2020 – 2021 Flu Shots
2020 – 2021 Flu Season Flu shot form for essential workers (click to download) Now is the time to start thinking about when, how and where you'll get immunized against the flu this year. Flu season typically peaks between December and February, but you should plan on...
Aug. 2020 HealthVine
Here is the newest edition of our Tacoma Employee Wellness Program Newsletter, HealthVine. In the August edition, you will find information about the following: The 2021 Incentive Period ends in less than 50 days Happy Heart Award Telehealth Benefits Tobacco Use and...